Aereola and nipple repigmentation
Breast augmentations, breast reductions, mastectomy’s, discolorations, birth defects and asymmetry are just a few situations that may require re-pigmentation tattoo or 3d medical tattooing. We offer these paramedical services for men as well as women. We do both uni-lateral or bi-lateral re-pigmentation. A full portfolio of pictures are available in our office. Our artistry will complete the process of your breast construction.
Most women who choose to do areola repigmentation or 3-d medical nipple tattooing do so because they do not want anymore surgeries. Others find the nipple reconstruction they had done, has flattened out and is no longer dimensional. Many find it helps to return a sense of normalcy and femininity to her body and sense of self. Discolorations in the skin can be colored to more closely match your own flesh tone. The difference is amazing and women tell us they feel this was just what they needed.
This procedure is a highly specialized practice of tattooing that restores the natural looking color and shape of an areola after breast reconstruction. This can be done in conjunction with surgical nipple reconstruction. If there is no nipple, a 3 dimensional nipple can be created with light and shadow, to give the “illusion of protrusion”.
The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 requires insurance to cover post mastectomy reconstruction, including areola/nipple tattooing. Insurance will often reimburse some of the cost of procedures done by our professionally certified paramedical areola pigmentation artist.
Your procedure may qualify to be covered by your health insurance. Please note that although your procedure may be covered by insurance, we do not file insurance for you. We will give you the required information needed to file with your insurance carrier requesting reimbursement. Our amazing areola artis, Darlene is partnered with many physicians and together they will help you with filing your claim. Find out more information about your rights for coverage and to select your tattooing provider under the Federal Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998.
If you do not have health insurance we would still like to help you. Please contact us with your written story. We do several pro bono services per year as well as many discounted services when finances are of concern. You must be truthful with your story. If you are selected for free or discounted services and your story involves past medical treatments, you will be asked to sign a release giving us permission to contact your physician to verify your story. We realize that not all situations involve medical treatments thus you are still eligible to request our services.

Scar treatments
- Acne scars
- Face lift scars
- Stretch marks
- Chicken pocks pot marks
- Surgical scars
- Depressed scars
- Raised scars
- C-section scars
- Sun spots
- Age spots
Hair loss and receding hairlines
Hair loss, receding hairlines, alopecia and trichotillomania are just a few reasons one might consider coloring the scalp. We add just enough color (similar to tattooing) to the uncolored areas of the scalp to give the appearance of thicker, fuller hair. This procedure is much less invasive and much more affordable than hair transplants.